Hi all
Hope that everyone had a great winter, we did some traveling and are all ready for hopefully another great season.
We working on lots of new events they all will be posted on our social media and website and of course, broadcast on our radio station in the summer
The park is coming great it is drying very good the last couple days but there are still site that are very wet use your own judgment for setting up this weekend please stay off other lots your site can be good but your neighbor can be still very soft there is nothing that we can do if your trailer sink.
We have 9 more cabins this year a total of 12 they are spread around the park and going to be in on the new site the 22 that harm started in the fall next season 2019. They are not ready jet ready they are still working on it some spots are still too wet to work on but hopefully, the construction of them will be done in the next 10 days. Then wait till the grass grows on them, they will be used later that season for daily and weekly campers.
Washroom 1 is bin redone last fall and will be still close till they have everything back on their spots. ( hopefully back running early June )
Dianne is in here home office now weekdays from 8 till 4 pm 902-963-2352 and will be in the main office starting on opening day may 28 daily from 9-9 with heather.
The store will open June 18
The galley opens the evening of June 22 but Captain kidds is open started May 11, 2018, daily from 11 am -8 pm
The Rec program starts June 22 with Rebecca and Natasha
The pools will be opening June 22 also.
Hope to see everyone soon any question please call Dianne 902-963-2352 are if you need me are harm please call my cell is 902-940-2525